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About Our Approach

Since 2000, We have been foster parents to over 50 kids, helped develop several non-profits to serve foster families, and have mentored and advised countless out-of-home caregivers as they have journeyed this road of caring for those in need. We want to help our community members find their optimal emotional and mental health so they can provide a safe place for kids in care for the long haul. It is not an easy journey that you are considering or currently living and we believe in you. As coaches, we prioritize your well-being as a parent even more so than that of the child. It isn’t that we are not open to working with the children in your care, but our ultimate priority is to care for you.  We have developed an online coaching forum for prospective foster parents, relative caregivers, kinship care providers, foster to adopt, and adoptive parents. This is not meant to take the place of a current support group that you may be a part of but rather a safe environment for people who know the system but don’t work for it.  We seek to provide you with perspective from one not involved in your current circumstance. Whether you are new to this process or have been caring for modern-day orphans for years, we are here for you.  

Meet The Team

About Us

We are Joseph and Christy Fehlen. We began our career as parents 24 years ago. We have three biological children and one adopted child. We have cared for and advocated for over 50 underserved kids over the years.  It is because of this that we want to support you. This isn't an easy journey but we are here to cheer for you. Thanks for visiting us and we look forward to talking with you soon.


Cindy Locke

Foster Parent - 32 Years

Foster parent mentor

Adoptive mom of 4 children, birth mom of 3.

Author and Nurse

"I've been friends with the Fehlens for nearly 20 years. They have always had a heart for people. Shortly after our friendship began they had their heart captured by the need of families in crisis. Joseph and Christy began serving these families through foster care. Investing in the lives of both children and their parents. They continue to serve and invest their lives into these families as well as coming alongside families who have made foster care a priority.  Wherever you are on your journey in foster care, having a coach to spear you on is both necessary and crucial to your success."


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